Manufacturing Status

Manufacturing Status

Status as of: 10/17/2023:

Manufacturing Delay Overview: Our contracted manufacturing facility recently experienced a fire inside the production site. Thankfully no one was killed; however, four people were injured.  As you might imagine, an ongoing investigation is still underway.

This incident has caused a disruption to our manufacturing operations and order fulfillment process. Once the facility was cleared as safe for inspection, we were able to determine the operational status and raw material salvageability. Unfortunately, most of our raw material has been declared unsalvageable.

Engineers, city officials, fire department personnel, and other inspectors are currently conducting analysis of an area affected by a roof collapse. We are told to expect many months before the facility is able to resume operation.

Mitigation Measures and Future Plans: Minimizing the impact of this incident to our customers is of utmost importance.  Any solution we find must ensure a consistent supply of our high-quality products. To address the current situation and prepare for the future, we are implementing the following measures:

New Manufacturer: We have finished qualifying a new manufacturing partner to expedite our return to regular production. We anticipate resuming production within the next month for most of our products.

Contingency Plans: In order to enhance our resilience against further disruptions, we are in the process of qualifying a secondary manufacturer. This will enable us to have backup production capabilities in the event of any future challenges.

Expanded Supplier Network: We recognize the importance of diversifying our raw ingredient suppliers to mitigate potential supply chain interruptions. We are actively exploring additional sources for the materials used in our products.

We understand that this situation will cause frustration and uncertainty, and deeply regret any challenges this has created for you. Please know that our team is working tirelessly to expedite the recovery process and ensure that our products are back on shelves as soon as possible – without sacrificing quality.

We greatly appreciate your understanding and ongoing support. If you have any questions, concerns, or specific inquiries regarding orders, please don’t hesitate to contact us. As additional information becomes available, we will provide regular updates to the timeline here.